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2024 ULI Europe Conference 2024 ULI Europe Conference

Site Tours at Europe Conference 2024

A unique opportunity to get behind-the-scenes of some of Milan's most exciting real estate developments.

We are delighted to offer all registered delegates the opportunity to attend a number of site tours. Site tours will include exclusive access to some of the most innovative, challenging and exciting real estate development projects in the city of Milan.

Delegates will be given insight by our partner guides and afforded the chance to ask questions.

Site tours are another excellent networking opportunity and are extremely popular. With places limited and allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis we encourage you to register and select your site tours as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Site Tours Include:

1. Urban Regeneration Tour - Porta Romana - Villaggio Olimpico, Fondazione Prada and Symbiosis

Hosted by Coima and taking place Tuesday 11th June 9:00 AM — 11:00 AM.

Find our more here

2. Conversion Tour - Via Broletto, Cordusio 2.0, The Liberty Tower and Spiga26

Led by Hines, this walking tour will take in all of the above sites, Tuesday 11th June 9:30 AM — 11:30 AM. We are grateful to Legance Milan for hosting the starting point of this tour.

Find out more here

3. Transformation Tour - Torre Velasca, Santa Sofia and Corso Italia

Hosted by Hines and PIMCO Prime Real Estate, The Transformation Tour takes place Tuesday 11th June, 2:00 PM — 5:00 PM.

Find our more here

4. CityLife Walking Tour inc. Tram Visit of Milan - CityLife, Generali Tower and Gran Melià Cordusio

Hosted by Generali and taking place Thursday 13th June 09:30-12:30 AM. Conference delegates will be taken on a guided tour of CityLife, Generali Tower and Gran Melià Cordusio. After which the group will be taken on a tram from CityLife across Milan and back – This dedicated historical tram service will run from CityLife to the city center with a professional guide talking about the history and development of Milan.

Find our more here

5. Innovation Tour - MIND

Hosted by Lendlease take a tour of MIND, the Milano Innovation District on Thursday 13th June 09:00-11:30 AM.

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Find out more about the Site Tours

Check the programme for site tour timings and more details on what to expect on each. You will be able to select your site tours choices when registering. View programme details here.