Kate is Co-Founder of 103, a climate action consultancy focused on the design and delivery of high impact programmes for a sustainable and resilient society. Clients include: The World Bank, Climate Investment Funds, Engie Impact and EIT Climate KIC. Recent works include a new Transformation Framework for Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership’s Centre for Business Transformation, a Laudes Foundation Community of Practice to accelerate sustainable investment into the built environment in Europe and ULI’s Fast-track to Decarbonisation Programme for the Built Environment Europe. Kate is on the advisory board for Innovator Capital and Future Planet.
Speaking at
Thu 13 Jun
11:00 AM — 1:00 PM (GMT+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London
DLA Piper, Via Della Posta 7
ULI Forum: C Change – Carbon Pricing
Please join us at this workshop focusing on internal carbon pricing, where we will work through several leading internal carbon pricing examples, draw out collective learnings and discuss on-the-ground barriers and opportunities to adopting an internal carbon prices inside your own companies. While there, we will give you an early preview into the wider industry internal carbon pricing alignment work being developed by ULI, IIGCC, GREEN, EPRA, WBCSD, INREV and RICS
Venue: DLA Piper Studio Tributario Associato - Via Della Posta 7, 20123, Milano MI, Italy
Open to all attendees – pre-registration required
Limited capacity – places allocated on first come first served basis so early booking recommended Venue DLA Piper